We read every comment and try to respond to direct questions within a week. If we take longer, it's probably because you suggested something for the recipe or posed a problem, and we are re-making the recipe to double check its effectiveness. Sometimes messages get lost in the spam filter, so feel free to drop us a line on our Facebook page. Thanks for the comments, and happy cooking! —The Vegan Stoner
I love this and I love you! I'm not even vegan and this blog is making me consider it...
This is seriously like the greatest blog I have ever stumbledupon. No seriously, FUCKING AMAZING.
I can't wait till y'all have a book!
What variety of lettuce is shown in the photo?
We used butter lettuce, but any lettuce works.
great desing and illuntration,
Great Job! Congratulations!!!!
Thanks for giving me a great idea for all of the cans of chick peas i just bought. I also Stumbled here. Munch.
That looks yummy!! I have to try that someday! :)
I'm in love with these, I make a double batch whenever I make them now! In fact, I'm eating one right now! So awesome.
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We read every comment and try to respond to direct questions within a week. If we take longer, it's probably because you suggested something for the recipe or posed a problem, and we are re-making the recipe to double check its effectiveness. Sometimes messages get lost in the spam filter, so feel free to drop us a line on our Facebook page. Thanks for the comments, and happy cooking! —The Vegan Stoner